Wednesday, May 20, 2015

"Over-nutritionised" myself, I think!

Today I believe I have "over-nutritionised" myself. True, there is no such word... but don't you think there should be one? After all, there is over-accessorize, overfeed, overkill, overdrive, over-study, and so on and so forth of words expressing how people go over the border/ limit. Though I did not go to any buffet spread today, it just so happens that I ate not just for myself and Oliver, but for both my parents as well... twice. The cook prepared a complete family meal of roast chicken, fried fish patties, spinach, and well... alright that's it. It doesn't sound much, but imagine eating 3.5 servings of that, for 2 meals straight, or else risk getting told off for wasting food.

My belly seems to have stretched to its utmost limit, small purple spider veins are showing on the side of my now rather roundish-sharp looking belly. You will probably read me say this a couple more times in my future posts, but I really feel like I cannot expand any further than this, and I am only starting on my 6th month.

My mom also made me drink a rather vile tasting Chinese medicinal herb soup mix with 2 chunks of kidney after my breakfast of  pork asado meat buns and oatmeal. I had to throw a quarter of the meat bun away... I swear I tasted roach shit... gross!!! I did a quick search and found out that smelling roach shit is not one of the many symptoms of pregnancy (thank God, we already have more than enough!), as is the case with vomiting, nausea, fish burps from fish oil, etc. So this must mean that it's the real thing... eeww!!!

Add to this I am frantically trying to finish 1.89 L of fat-free milk in 2 days as we bought it on sale and it will go bad tomorrow. Let the food fest madness commensurate with my belly size! I think I will skip on the prenatal vitamins, fish oil, iron pills, and calcium supplements today.


  1. She used to make that gross drink for me too, smells kinda like urine actually. I skipped the kidney and drank the entire thing without breathing.

  2. Indeed she did mention that you and achi both took it so I couldn't get myself out of it! Just drank lots of water ... not sure exactly what it does since I'm still quite swollen ...

  3. Indeed she did mention that you and achi both took it so I couldn't get myself out of it! Just drank lots of water ... not sure exactly what it does since I'm still quite swollen ...

  4. Indeed she did mention that you and achi both took it so I couldn't get myself out of it! Just drank lots of water ... not sure exactly what it does since I'm still quite swollen ...
